Object ID 000295
Object Name Lamb, Nathaniel - Diaries, 1888-1892
Object Desc 2 diaries, for 1888, 1897, in leather clasp-binder. The 1888 diary has very faint ink, is mostly now illegible. 1897 diary much better. Interesting entries of farm life. Includes also transcript for 1888 made by Jean Hankins
Collection Coll. 31, Small Collections
Accession # 2015.221
Alternate ID Coll. 31 #42
General Category Documents
Category Diaries
Source Ethel Bean Turner
Source Category Gift
Accession Date AUG 19,2009
Location Range 4
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords Lamb, Nathaniel - Diaries,Diaries, 1888, 1897,
Title Nathaniel Lamb Diaries
Description Sample entry: Jan. 1, 1891. There is not much snow -- good wagoningsome are in sleigh-- mostly waggons. has been mild and pleasant for some days. Went out to the ministers this afternoon & carried him a ham and a Sparrib went in a wagon. Mother is sick with a cold so she does not sit up any. Mrs. Kneeland & Mrs. Vosmus called this morning. Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Spurr this afternoon. Shod a horse for Elder Kneeland this morning.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Date FEB 26,2015
Summary Location change
Notes Location changed to Range 4 from Range 1 - automatic entry by admin