Object ID 000297
Object Name Smith Alice - Diary, 1935
Object Desc 1 page-a-day lined diary, 1935. Author is Alice Smith, dau. of Leonard Smith, minister of the 7th Day Advent Church located in South Otisfield. Little more known about her or him. See object details below.
Collection Coll. 31, Small Collections
Accession # 1997.6
Alternate ID Coll. 31 #44
General Category Documents
Category Diaries
Source Dorothy Lombard
Source Category Gift
Accession Date AUG 19,2009
Location Range 4
Object Date
Start Year Range 1935
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords Smith, Alice - Diary,Seventh Day Adventists,Smith, Leonard,
Title Alice Smith Diary, 1935
Description Dorothy Lombard (donor) indicated that the Bill mentioned in the diary is Bill Carro. The Coles were Alice and Harry. Don and Ruth Lombard lived across from the Coles. The house has been torn down. "Alice Smith now lives in California" (1997).
Reference 1
Reference 2