Object ID 000303
Object Name Martin Family - Diary, Accounts, 1875
Object Desc 1 paper bound 6x3" diary kept by unknown individual, apparently named Martin. (See Note.) Brief accounts at end suggest he was Otisfield resident. "Have a nice Christmas and hope to see you next July. Love, A.R. Martin."
Collection Coll. 31, Small Collections
Accession # 2015.228
Alternate ID Coll. 31 #50
General Category Documents
Category Diaries
Source Dorothy Lombard
Source Category Gift
Accession Date FEB 28,2015
Location Range 4
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords
Title Martin Family Diaryt - Accounts, 1875
Description Diary entries aren't very interesting -- mostly about weather. No names. A slip of paper stuck in this almanac gives clue to its provenance: "Dear Dorothy -- If anyone wants to know where they came from just say they were recently found. That leather thing was in Grammy Martin and probably Mabel [Peaco??] gave it to her as he was a brother to Mabel." Dorothy was Dorothy Lombard.
Reference 1
Reference 2