Object ID 000903
Object Name Traverse Sled, Wooden Model
Object Desc 1 small wooden snow sled, known as traverse sled, about 12" long, made by Orrell Linnell. Includes 6 small toy bears with colorful hats as sled riders.
Collection Coll. 76, Small Artifacts
Accession # 2015.431
Alternate ID
General Category Other Objects
Category Other Objects - General
Source Category Gift
Accession Date OCT 31,2015
Location Range 7
Object Date 2000
Start Year Range 2000
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords Toys, Wooden,Sleds, Wooden, Toy,Model Sleds,
Title Snow Rollder Model, Wooden
Description Orrell Linnell made many such objects, not quite toys, not quite scale models. He was a fine wood turner. Many of his wooden vases are now owned by Western Maine Art Group. Otisfield Town Office has Orrell's scale model of the Philadelphia Liberty Bell. They also have a model ferris wheel made by Orrell, with small toy bears as riders.
Physical Description