Object ID 001993
Object Name Patch Sampler
Object Desc Framed, cross-stich sampler, dated 1824. Only object in Coll. 35. Dorothy Lombard and her nephew, Richard Dyer, found this in pile of rags in Levi Patch house. OHS had it framed, about 1995. Appraisal, Coll. 47 F.25.
Collection Coll. 35, Patch Sampler
Accession # 2016.672
Alternate ID
General Category Other Objects
Category Other Objects - General
Source Dyer, Richard
Source Category Gift
Accession Date APR 20,2015
Location Range 4
Object Date
Start Year Range
End Year Range
Status In Collection
Object Keywords Samplers,
Title Bookcase, Lawyer's
Description Bookcase originally was property of Jean's grandfather, Austin Fittz, of Natick, Mass. He was an attorney.
Physical Description